Future DCEU Movies To Be Less Dark And Gritty
BY David Riley
Published 8 years ago

The DC Extended Universe is known to have a grim and dour tone, almost looking as if it’s a series of noir movies. It’s also one of the many reasons why “Man of Steel,” “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice,” and “Suicide Squad” failed to impress critics and some fans (there’s a fine line of people who love it and those who despise it).

The Suicide Squad Cast. Photo via Clay Enos (Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc and Ratpac-Dune Entertainment LLC)
There’s nothing wrong about being dark and gritty; because when you compare it to the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a stark difference would be their tone. But don’t get us wrong, the MCU is starting to get pretty tasteless with their bright, happy tone. However, since “Wonder Woman,” it’s clear that the DCEU is in dire need of some kind of positivity.

Wonder Woman After Veld Standoff. Photo via Clay Enos (Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. and Ratpac-Dune Entertainment LLC)
Patty Jenkin’s take on “Wonder Woman” definitely changed the course of the DCEU by re-introducing the hopeful brand of superheroes back in the big screen. It turned out to be the perfect ingredient needed to turn the franchise around. And with “Justice League” coming around this November, it will come as no surprise to see this new direction for the DC Extended Universe.
DC Creative Chief Geoff Johns On A Brighter Future For The DCEU
Speaking to The Wrap, DC’s head honcho Geoff Johns noted that the goal for the DCEU now is to make sure that the upcoming films will be fun and full of heart and humor. And when asked about the “guiding philosophy” would be for the franchise to move forward, Johns said that they would definitely need more “optimism.”

DCEU’s Justice League. Photo via Warner Bros. Pictures.
“Get to the essence of the character and make the movies fun. Just make sure that the characters are the characters with heart, humor, hope, heroics, and optimism at the base.”
This certainly sounds very promising, given that “Justice League” can continue this brand and tone that “Wonder Woman” has set. But this needs to be taken with a bit of precaution, however, as the Gal Gadot-led film is just one among the many entries to come for the DCEU.

Ezra Miller as The Flash in DCEU’s Justice League. Photo via Warner Bros. Pictures.
We’ll never know how this could affect the films, so it could either be a huge win or flop for the franchise. We hope that it won’t be the latter, as the news and speculation surrounding “Justice League” makes it hard to say that it would be a hit or not.
It’s definitely great to hear that the DCEU is making efforts to stand out with a new tone for their film; and we can only hope for a good execution of the cheerful an optimistic brand to the upcoming movies.
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