Feel Good Season 2 Episode 4 Recap – Episode 4
BY Angela
Published 3 years ago

Mae explains to Donna how she is confused about whether some memories she has happened. Donna thought she was building material for her act, so she told Mae that her story needed a punchline. Mae tells her that she is sharing with her because she is going through something. Donna tells her that she has something big for Mae – Arnie Rivers. She says that Arnie wants her on his show. Mae tells her that she was abused by Arnie previously. Donna tells her she should do the show with Arnie all the more, so she can find retribution by airing Arnie’s dirty laundry on national television.
Mae announces to Phil and George what she’s going to do. George tells her that it is brave and mad at the same time. Phil talks to Malcolm and accidentally calls him dad.
George bails out on her activism group and says she needs to be there for Mae, so she can no longer have time for their discussions.
On the way to the show, Mae sees Phil queuing up to be part of the audience. She says that Phil doesn’t have to come, but Phil reveals that he has been talking to Mae’s parents and that they have asked him to look after Mae. He tells Mae that she has PTSD means that she should seek professional help and not just talk about it to her agent. She tells Phil to go home.
George was about to leave home for the studio when her Dad came. He says he needs to get some baby things from the house. George tells him that she will support Mae in Fun Junk, so she needs to go. Her dad manages to get a pass for the show, so he says he will go with George so he can meet Mae as well.
Arnie takes Mae away while she is doing her ident. He pulls her into a room and apologizes for what he has done before. He says he was in a weird place when he did that, but he is in a better place. He thanks Mae for being so cool and tells her that if she smashes the show, he will introduce him to the execs.
Donna tells Mae to make sure she slams Arnie after the halfway break. Mae tells Donna she is having second thoughts because she fears what will happen to her after the show. Donna tells her that she will become an even bigger item because tabloids will call, and shows will want her. Mae worries about Arnie’s lawyers coming after her and misremembering what has happened between them.
George and her dad get stuck on the road after a vehicle breakdown. George tells his dad that she needs to be in the studio for Mae, but his dad thinks it is not a big deal for her to be late. George then tells him he is selfish and should not have shown up. He tells George that he wants his son to have a sister, but George tells him that she is going to run so she can get there in time.
During the halftime break, Mae gets an offer to return to the show as a cohost. Donna tells Mae to continue with their plan, but Mae tells her that she will not waste the opportunity she has wanted ever since she did comedy on some revenge plan. Donna gets disappointed in Mae and approaches Jack instead.
After the break, Mae tried to expose Arnie, but she changed her mind. However, Jack asks Arnie if it is true that he tried to abuse Mae. Mae repaired the situation by telling Jack that what he’s saying is mere fantasy.
George tries to get into the studio, but the receptionist tells her that she is not on Mae’s guest list. Her dad comes and says that she is a martyr and she shouldn’t be one. Her father asks her what she wants to do in life, and she says she wants to be good at her job, save the bees, and go on holiday. She asks her dad to drive her to work.
After the show, Mae confronts Jack for saying what he said. Jack tells her that Donna asked her to do so. Mae fires Donna, and on her way out, she sees Arnie trying to harass a staff member.
Our Thoughts
We thought Mae did the right thing by not going through with Donna’s plan, but seeing Arnie do it again to another person made our blood boil. We bet if Mae exposed him, he wouldn’t be doing that anymore. On the other hand, we did hope that George and her dad will have a better relationship since they bonded quite a bit during the last part, despite what happened before they got stuck in a ditch.
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