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Feel Good Season 2 Episode 3 Recap – Episode 3

BY Angela

Published 3 years ago

Feel Good Season 2 Episode 3 Recap - Episode 3

Mae is having a nightmare, and she keeps saying Scott’s name in her sleep. George wakes her up and asks who Scott is. Mae tells her that he is her friend, an old roommate.

Mae and George engage in several role plays to spice up their sex life over the next few days. They seem to enjoy it so much that George is still in a role-playing mode when she walks into a room and people are there to surprise her for her birthday. There is Mae, Phil, Clocky, George’s mom, and Mae’s parents on video call.

George’s mom asks her who those people are and looks for her real friends, Binky and Hugh. She tells her mom that she has outgrown them already. George’s mom tells her that if she breaks up with Mae again, she will need real friends to fall back on. She tells Mae to call Binky because her new circle is just no good.

George tells Mae that she misses her friends and wants to invite them over. Mae agrees and says she will just go when they come, but George tells her that she does not have to do that. She says they are doing great and would like to meet some of Mae’s friends from Canada too.

Mae is talking to Scott on Skype when George comes into the room. George tells Scott that Mae talks in her sleep, so Scott tells her to roll Mae on her side when she does that. George goes, and Scott tells Mae he’s glad they are talking again. Mae tells him that he is important to her. Scott tells Mae that there is a psycho woman who’s been calling people and saying shit about him. He asks Mae to tell the woman that they’re good if she ever calls her. He asks Mae to tell the woman that they love each other and the past is in the past with them.

Mae goes down and finds George cleaning. George asks Mae if Scott was his boyfriend, given that they lived together. She asks her how old they were when they got into the relationship. Mae tells her that the details don’t matter, and before she can explain more, the doorbell rings. George thought it was already Binky and Hugh, but Phil told them it was his dad, whom he had just recently found.

George tells Mae not to act weird when her friends come because she has her back. Binky, Hugh, and Jared come. They talk about George’s farts and peeing in front of one another over dinner. Mae gets a call from an unknown number and excuses herself. The caller asks if she knows Scott and shares a not-so-good experience she had with him. Whatever the caller said makes Mae panic, causing her to gulp a bottle of mouthwash.

Over dinner, Binky and Mae get into a heated argument about how Mae thinks Binky is homophobic. Binky gets upset and stands up just as her water breaks. They panic because they need to drive her to the hospital, but all of them are either drunk or without a license. Phil ends up driving them. Binky says that Mae should not go with them to the hospital because she would just judge her for being too posh. George tells everyone that Mae is going to the hospital, which is the end.

Binky suffers labor pains but still manages to catch Mae and George, planning to sneak out and have sex. Mae tells her it should not surprise them because they have an intimate relationship. Binky tells them that what they have is not an intimate relationship because they are mere teenagers.

Mae receives a text from Scott asking if the woman called her. She tells George that they should continue their planned sex in the hospital. She asks her to find somewhere private while she gets costumes for their role play. George finds Hugh in a closet, contemplating whether he will be a good dad or not. Phil finds them and says that he’s bummed out about his father not coming. He tells Hugh that she will be a great dad if he would just be kind.

Mae asks George to come into a room so they can bone, but George isn’t comfortable. She asks Mae what is going on because she is all sweaty. She says there is some stuff going on in Canada. George asks her to say what’s going on, but she does not tell. George tells her she cannot help if she won’t tell, but Mae still keeps silent. George walks away.

Mae talks to a doctor after she passes out from inhaling some gas. The doctor tells her that she might have PTSD. Mae scoffs because she thinks that there is nothing traumatic about her past. She tells Mae to talk to her GP or the people close to her.

Binky and Hugh announce that they are naming their baby Boothroid. Binky asks everyone to leave the room except Mae. She says that if she and Hugh were to die, Geroge would be Boothroid’s legal guardian, meaning that Mae would be the father if they were still together. She asks Mae to get her life together and face whatever it is that is making her unhappy.

George tells Mae that she thinks they should have less ex so they can talk more. Mae says that the doctor thinks she has PTSD. She reveals that many of her earlier relationships, including the one with Scott, are secret because she was too young. She said she lived with Scott when she was about 15, while Scott was 30. According to Binky, they decide to pee in front of each other as it is a measure of intimacy.

Our Thoughts

For the first time in this show, I felt fondly for Binky. How she acknowledged Mae as George’s partner and a would-e father for Boothroid is heartwarming. Anyway, the history between Mae and Scott bothers us, but only because it seems like something happened between them that they have managed to put behind, but apparently, not reveal to us. And, whatever did that woman say to Mae that led her to drink a bottle of mouthwash? Like George, we are dying to know.

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