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Home Articles TV Feel Good Season 2 Episode 1 Recap – Episode 1

Feel Good Season 2 Episode 1 Recap – Episode 1

BY Angela

Published 3 years ago

Feel Good Season 2 Episode 1 Recap - Episode 1

Linda and Malcolm pay again for Mae’s rehab in Canada. They drop her off and Mae meets with Audrey again, the moderator. They hug and reminisce about how Mae was just 18 the last time she was there. Before giving up her phone as part of the protocols, Mae contemplates calling George, but instead, he texts Scott and asks him to visit her in the same place.

Back in the UK, George declutters her house. Phil tells her that she is doing it so she’ll not think of Mae, but George tells him that she is doing it for the bees. She says she knows Mae will come back and when she does, she’ll be a different person and they will be happy. Phil reminds her that Mae dumped her. George tells Phil that she dumped him first.

Among the pile of things George is trying to sort, Phil finds a sweater that belongs to his father and cries. He says his father left them and that it has been 30 years since he last saw him.

Audrey tells Mae that she has a new roommate as she introduces her to Marsha. Marsha tells her that she knows her from somewhere, so Mae tells her that she is a comedian and that she must have seen some of her material online. Marsha’s attention veers into a framed photo of George and makes fun of it.

During a session, Audrey asks everyone why they are there and tells them that they are there to break certain cycles. Mae shares that she feels like her feelings for her ex-girlfriend might be an addiction. Audrey tells her that she has to fully let go.

As George and Phil are having dinner, George receives a call from Mae. Mae lies to her and tells her that she is currently on a camping trip and not in rehab. She informs George that she is moving out because she has finally realized that she can’t build a relationship on an open wound. George realizes that Mae wants to end the relationship for good.

Audrey comes to Mae’s room. Mae asks her why she has to need help in order to exist, so Audrey explains that it may be because of trauma or genetics. Mae doesn’t understand that because she says that she was not traumatized as a child. In fact, she says that she was privileged enough to play the oboe. Audrey tries to help her answer her question, but she dismisses Audrey by saying that she thinks their conversation has come to a dead-end and that Audrey might be better off helping another person.

Scott comes to visit Mae. Mae decides to bail on the rehab. She asks Scott where she can do a show and Scott tells her that she is a viral sensation already so she can perform anywhere she likes.

George comes up with the idea for them to look for Phil’s dad so that they may have a purpose. Phil gets ecstatic upon hearing this.

Mae gets called to the stage of The Beaver Comedy Store, where she was performing before. Out of habit, Mae kisses Scott before she goes onto the stage. She realizes what she has done, so Mae apologizes right away. Scott tells her it is okay. She takes the mic and tries to start an act, but she cannot help but feel distracted. Scott saves her by taking the mic and doing an act instead.

After everyone else has left the comedy bar, Scott tells Mae that they have never really talked about what happened between them in the past and so if Mae wants to talk about it, he is open to that. Their conversation gets interrupted by Malcolm, who has arrived to fetch Mae.

Linda tells Mae that the only option they are left with is physical proximity because rehab did not work. She hands Mae a schedule and tells her that she will be staying at home at all times and that she will not be allowed to go to the comedy bar.

George comes to the staff party and tells Joyce that she’s resigning. Joyce listens to her and accepts her resignation without much care. Elliot approaches George. He asks if George wanted a drink. She introduces herself to Elliot and he tells her that he knows her name because they have been working at the same school for 4 years already. They talk for a while and Elliot reveals that he is bi and poly and that when he first came out, it felt like puberty again so George should explore her space in the world. Elliot stares at her and says that he sees her.

George talks to Joyce and takes back her resignation. She and Elliot kiss. Elliot ends up in George’s bed.

Mae packs her bags and leaves their house yet again. She goes back to the UK and lives with Jack again. She receives a text from Scott. It reads: Love you kid.

Our Thoughts

Will Mae and George ever get back together? Looking at it now, I think that they are better off without each other. They need to find their own places and be okay with themselves before they can start again. I fear Elliot will become a rebound, so let’s see. I am curious about what happened between Scott and Mae, and equally afraid of what Linda has to say when she finds out that Mae has run away, again.

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