Familiar Wife Season 1 Episode 5 Recap
BY Kean
Published 2 years ago

As soon as Wu-jin hears her mother call Ju-Hyeok her son-in-law, she apologizes. She tells her mother that Ju-Hyeok is just a coworker. Her mother returns inside the house and brings out Ju-Hyeok’s favorite food. “I want to give my son-in-law a hug for old time’s sake,” she says. Then she hugs Ju-Hyeok tight. Wu-jin keeps on apologizing to Ju-Hyeok for her mother’s behavior. “She has Alzheimer’s. She’s out of her senses from time to time,” Wu-jin says. On his way home, Ju-Hyeok keeps thinking about his previous life with Wu-jin. He wonders if there was a time when Wu-jin tried to talk about her mother’s condition. Then he remembers the few times when Wu-jin asked him to stay and talk about her mother because it’s something important, but Ju-Hyeok would always leave to go do something with his coworkers. Ju-Hyeok regrets not paying attention to Wu-jin before, but he can’t do anything about it.
Ju-Hyeok and his coworkers participate in simulation training. After news of banks being robbed and scammers going to the banks themselves, they want to ensure everyone knows what to do if something bad happens. “Their scamming methods are evolving day by day, so be well informed of the guideline,” the branch manager says.
Meanwhile, while Hye-won is at the gym, she again meets the university student, Hyeon-Su. Hyeon-Su says he goes to the gym because it’s closer to his house and school. He then asks Hye-won to eat with him. “I told you I’d treat you to a meal. I hate being indebted,” Hyeon-Su says. He tells Hye-won they can use his car instead. Hye-won looks surprised that Hyeon-Su drives a luxury car. “Well, it’s not completely mine. It’s under my dad’s name. He’ll give it to me when I graduate,” he says. Hye-won refuses to sit in the passenger seat and tells Hyeon-Su that only his girlfriend should sit there. Hyeon-Su says they have already broken up, so Hye-won gets inside the car and sits in the passenger’s seat.
After a long day of work, everyone just wants to go home. On his way home, Ju-Hyeok sees Wu-jin riding her bike. He gets worried. “She must be tired from this morning’s training, she should leave the bike and take a cab,” Ju-Hyeok tells himself. Then he contradicts himself and keeps on driving. Suddenly, he sees Wu-jin fall off her bike. Ju-Hyeok immediately turns back and helps Wu-jin to her feet. Since their way home is in the same direction, he offers Wu-jin a ride home. Ju-Hyeok tells Wu-jin that what she did during the simulation training was dangerous in real life. Still, Wu-jin thinks they should at least have some secret signal to let each other know if anyone they suspect is among the customers.
The next day, the branch manager sends Ju-Hyeok on an errand, but while he talks to the clients, he hears them mention something about the scammer. Ju-Hyeok remembers the man wearing a helmet standing outside the bank just before he left. He makes an excuse and rushes back to their office. He arrives as the man approaches Wu-jin’s counter. Ju-Hyeok jumps at the man and grabs the thing he hides in his pocket — a mouth spray, not a gun. The customer says he has stomach problems, so he’s wearing a helmet because his breath smells. Meanwhile, Wu-jin’s next customer is an old lady accompanied by a man. The old lady requests to withdraw all her savings in cash. Wu-jin remembers the same incident in the news about situations like such.
The man appearing to be with the old lady seems nervous and irritated. He keeps on telling Wu-jin to move faster. Wu-jin knows there’s a problem, but she can’t make a move because the man might be hiding a gun. She buys some time and makes excuses until she sees Ju-Hyeok coming out of the room after apologizing to another customer. She signals to him that something is wrong. When the culprit grabs the money from the counter, Ju-Hyeok comes and fires the tear gas gun.
After going to the police station, the bank manager tells Ju-Hyeok and Wu-jin that they can go home early. Wu-jin brings Ju-Hyeok to her favorite restaurant. Ju-Hyeok remembers the place because Wu-jin has brought him there in his previous life. He remembers how happy Wu-jin was when she was younger and how she totally changed after marrying him. It starts raining, so they grab the flower pot outside the restaurant. Ju-Hyeok is supposed to leave after driving Wu-jin to their house, but when they get there, Wu-jin’s mother is inside a cab saying she’ll see her husband. Wu-jin’s mom refuses to get out until she sees Ju-Hyeok. She asks Ju-Hyeok to eat dinner with them, so Ju-Hyeok agrees. Wu-jin’s mom refuses to eat when Wu-jin tries to feed her. She turns to Ju-Hyeok to feed her. Wu-jin laughs and asks her mother when she starts liking guys. “He’s not just any guy. He’s my son-in-law,” she says. After their meal, Wu-jin apologizes to Ju-Hyeok. She says she doesn’t understand why her mom is so obsessed with Ju-Hyeok.
Wu-jin has to stay behind even after everyone heads home so she can finish work. Ju-Hyeok worries about her, so he buys food and returns to the office, but when he arrives, he sees his best friend, Jong-hu, is already there. Jong-hu has already bought food for Wu-jin. He even went home to change his clothes because Wu-jin says she likes casual style over classic. Wu-jin says she didn’t expect Jong-hu to return only to give her food. “I’m showing my interest in you. Would you go out with me?” Jong-hu asks.
Our Thoughts
Is it possible that Wu-jin’s mom remembers Ju-Hyeok? Technically, it shouldn’t be possible. If Ju-Hyeok went back in time and changed his actions so he could end up with Hye-won, then memories of him and Wu-jin should not exist at all. Is it because Wu-jin’s mom is sick? Still, we don’t think they should be getting too close to each other again because Ju-Hyeok is already married. He should just move on and forget Wu-jin instead of looking back on the mistakes he made when they were still married. As for Hye-won, she should be avoiding Hyeon-Su. She’s already with Ju-Hyeok, but from how she looks at him, it’s obvious that she finds him attractive. If Hyeon-Su insists on getting closer to her, then Hye-won should keep avoiding him. They should just focus on their lives and stop getting involved with other people. They will only end up with more problems if they continue with what they are doing.
It was really brave of Wu-jin to try and buy some time when there was a dangerous man inside the bank. The man could have a gun with him. But why is there only one security guard in the bank when many people come in and out daily? How could they go on with just one person to protect them in case something bad happens? And how could they let someone wear their helmet inside? It’s not supposed to be allowed inside a bank — weird. He should’ve been asked to remove the helmet before he entered the bank. We can’t really blame Ju-Hyeok for suspecting the customer.
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