Familiar Wife Season 1 Episode 14 Recap
BY Kean
Published 2 years ago

Ju-Hyeok is so surprised when he sees Wu-jin in the office. The branch manager introduces Wu-jin as the new member of the deposit team. Wu-jin already knows all of them, so it’s easier for her to get close to them. They are surprised at how much Wu-jin knows about them, but instead of being scared, they become more curious about Wu-jin. Ju-Hyeok hides from Wu-jin as soon as Wu-jin is done introducing herself. He calls the head office to ask them if there is an open position in the Loan Team in other branches — none. He waits until Wu-jin leaves before he leaves the office, but when he arrives at the bus stop, Wu-jin is already there waiting for him. He tells her to find someone better and live her life. “I’m following where my heart goes,” Wu-jin says. She admits that she thought going their separate ways would be the best for them, but she realizes that because Ju-Hyeok decided to return in time, she was able to live a happier and stronger life. “So this time, I will be the one to save you,” she says. Ju-Hyeok insists Wu-jin was only happy because he wasn’t there to make her life miserable. He tricks Wu-jin into looking away, then runs to the nearby taxi, leaving Wu-jin alone.
The next day, Jong-hu thinks it’s weird how Wu-jin fits in quickly at work as if she’d been doing that for months. He tells Ju-Hyeok to pay attention to their new coworker, and maybe they develop feelings for each other. Ju-Hyeok ignores him and asks Mr. Byeon to let him have his lunch first. Wu-jin asks her team leader also to let her eat, and then she follows Ju-Hyeok. After eating their lunch, Wu-jin must leave first to return to work. Meanwhile, Ju-Hyeok sees Hye-won. They go to a nearby cafè to catch up. Hye-won admits that when she decided to go abroad, she lost the chance to get married. She asks Ju-Hyeok why he’s not yet married when he has the chance to do so. “Well, I just like being alone,” Ju-Hyeok replies. Hye-won admits she used to like Ju-Hyeok but also mentions that Ju-Hyeok has changed a lot. Before Ju-Hyeok leaves, he tells Hye-won not to stop playing the cello. “Be happy,” Ju-Hyeok says.
Back in the office, a customer complains about not being allowed to access her husband’s account. Hye-jeong insists it’s their policy not to let anyone see someone else’s account. Because the client is so angry, Wu-jin decides to step in and defend her coworker. She grabs the client’s arm to ensure she will not hit anybody. The client gets angrier, and when she breaks free, she grabs the piggy bank on the counter and tries to hit Wu-jin. Ju-Hyeok covers for Wu-jin, so he gets hit on the head instead. She hits him so hard that Ju-Hyeok loses his balance for a moment. Jong-hu teases him for liking Wu-jin. Ju-Hyeok says he only did it because they are coworkers. That night, Wu-jin sits beside Ju-Hyeok on the bus. She asks for his help in picking a shirt she will gift someone. Ju-Hyeok meets Sang-Sik and Jong-hu afterward; he learns that Ju-eun is pregnant with Sang-Sik’s baby. When he gets home, he sees a gift hanging on his doorknob. When he opens it, he realizes it’s the shirt he picked with Wu-jin.
The next day at work, the branch manager tells Ju-Hyeok he will introduce him to someone hoping Ju-Hyeok will finally date. Ju-Hyeok declines and says he appreciates their concern but is not interested. When Ju-Hyeok leaves, the rest think of a plan for Ju-Hyeok to meet the woman they’re going to introduce. They are willing to help Ju-Hyeok not end up alone. Wu-jin stands up and says she is against the idea. Everyone looks at her, waiting for an explanation. Wu-jin admits she has feelings for Ju-Hyeok. Everyone is surprised because Wu-jin is just new to their branch, but they are happy for Ju-Hyeok. The branch manager talks to the other employees about Wu-jin and Ju-Hyeok and says they will help. For the rest of the day, everyone does what they can so Ju-Hyeok and Wu-jin can spend more time together. The branch manager even teases that they look good together.
When Ju-Hyeok notices that everyone around him is acting weird, he asks Jong-hu why. That’s how he finds out that Wu-jin told everyone she likes him. During their welcoming party for Wu-jin, the branch manager makes an extra effort for Ju-Hyeok and Wu-jin. He even asks Hwan to move to a different seat so Wu-jin can sit beside Ju-Hyeok. Ju-Hyeok always expresses how he prefers not to be in a relationship. At one point, he just snaps. “Why don’t you understand? Stop this nonsense!” he shouts at his coworkers. After dinner, Wu-jin asks him to talk in private. “I thought it could work if I tried. Because I understand why you are acting like this,” Wu-jin says. She thinks she’s being selfish by trying to make it work. “Are we not meant to be?” she asks. When Ju-Hyeok shakes his head, Wu-jin says she’ll finally let it go.
One night they see each other at Sang-Sik’s food truck. They help Ju-eun with her wedding plans. Wu-jin becomes quiet because she’s worried she’s making things awkward for Ju-Hyeok. “As time goes by, will it feel like it was nothing?” Wu-jin asks. She tells Ju-Hyeok that her friend is asking her to work abroad, but because of everything, Wu-jin finds it hard to decide. Ju-Hyeok tells her it’s a great opportunity for her. The next day, while he’s in Jong-hu’s car, he sees a police car. Ju-Hyeok remembers that people died in an accident that day. He realizes that the bus Wu-jin is riding is about to get into a major accident, so he asks Jong-hu to stop the car. Then he drags him away from the driver’s seat and takes his place. He chases Wu-jin’s bus and puts the car in the middle of the truck and the bus to stop the possible accident. Ju-Hyeok focuses on Wu-jin, so he ignores the angry truck driver pounding on his car window. He runs to Wu-jin and hugs her. “I know this is wrong and that we shouldn’t be together. But I can’t keep this up. Nothing else matters. Conscience. Guilt. I don‘t care about those. One thing that I know is that I love you so much. I will make you happy,” Ju-Hyeok says.
Our Thoughts
We knew this would happen. Ju-Hyeok always changes his mind. First, he’d say he doesn’t want to be with Wu-jin, then he’d change his mind and chase her. How long are they going to do such? It would be best if they just moved on. It’s tiring seeing them do this over and over again. But this time, Ju-Hyeok changed a lot and is determined not to marry. We can’t say for sure if Wu-jin really loves Ju-Hyeok or just chasing him for the sake of their past lives.
It would be nice that every time they would change something big in their lives, they would have to live a very different life surrounded by different people. But no matter how often they mess with time, they always end up with the same people. How can they meet other people if they are always pulled into the same space surrounded by the same faces? Does this reality feel real enough for them to enjoy it, knowing they changed everyone’s lives with their decisions?
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