Emily in Paris Season 2 Episode 8 Recap – Champagne Problems
BY Angela
Published 3 years ago

At Savoir, Emily presents a new marketing idea to Camille for Champère. The campaign is called ‘How Do You Pop Your Top,’ aiming to make Champère viral, fun, and accessible. But Camille shows them a video of her father promoting Champère and tells the team he wants to be the face of the brand. Emily tells Camille they have to get him on message. Camille then asks her to go to the chateau with her the coming weekend so they can come up with content they will approve of.
While Emily packs up for the trip, Mindy tells her she’s happy she and Camille are already okay, so she should stay there longer. Getting a hint that Mindy wants the apartment for her and Benoît, Emily tells her she can have the apartment whenever she wants. Mindy tells her she feels like a teenager.
Emily gets a text from Alfie, who tells her he’s waiting for her at Chez Lavaux. Emily rushes to get to him. But when she gets there, Alfie insists they eat there while Gabriel cooks for them. After a course, Gabriel comes by the table to ask how their food was. Alfie tells him he’s extraordinary. Alfie adds that Emily is going to Champagne for the weekend. Alfies steps to take a call. Gabriel asks for more details about Emily’s trip with Camille. Emily tells him she’s hoping for a do-over with Camille.
After their meal, Alfie tells Emily he isn’t good for anything that night than sleep. Emily tells him it’s okay. She has an early morning the next day.
Camille and Emily arrive at the chateau. Louise warmly welcomes Emily back. Gérard also comes out of the door and welcomes Emily. Camille tells him Emily wants him to start the ‘How Do You Pop Your Top’ campaign. They come in. Timothee introduces Emily to his classmates.
A photographer from a newspaper comes to cover the challenge, and Gérard goes with him outside.
Erik and Sylvie enjoy ice cream while getting to know more about each other. He invites Sylvie to spend a weekend in Rome. He also invites her to join him at an engagement party. Sylvie declines for fear of being judged by his friends. They kiss, but they get interrupted by Antoine, who is dining with his wife at a nearby restaurant.
At Champagne, Emily asks Gérard to pop his Champère multiple times. Gérard pops a bottle of champagne with a samurai. On the third try, he cuts his thumb — they panic. Timothèe asks Emily to drive a stick to the hospital.
Back in Paris, Gabriel’s bartender shows him a news article about Gérard losing his thumb. He tries to call Camille, but he fails to talk to her. He tries their landline; Louise picks up. She tells him he’s in the hospital and that it was so irresponsible for Emily to make him do such a thing. She manages to make Gabriel eat dinner with him that night.
After getting home from the hospital, Emily lies down in bed, disappointed with how the shoot came down. She falls asleep and wakes up 2 hours later. She comes to the dining hall and sees Gabriel is seated beside Camille while the whole family have dinner.
While getting ready for bed, Emily hears a knock on her door. She opens it and lets Camille in. Camille tells her it is nice Gabriel came. She also asks about Alfie and Emily. Gabriel comes to the room, and Camille asks him to sit between them. Gabriel tells Camille he missed being there; he sleeps so well in their house. Camille teases him and tells him that maybe it has something to do with who he’s sleeping with, so they should see how he does alone. Emily tells them she should already sleep.
The next morning, Sylvie is preparing her cat’s breakfast when she receives a call from Antoine. He tells her Catherine is inviting Sylvie and her boyfriend to dinner. She quickly points out Erik’s not her boyfriend. He tells her he’s glad Erik is not her boyfriend because it looks silly. He also tells her he still cares for her, but she tells him she doesn’t care.
Sylvie decides to come to the engagement party that Erik’s friend is throwing. He introduces her to his friends and excuses himself after looking for another chair. The waitress comes and takes Sylvie’s orders. After Sylvie tells her she’ll be having the salmon. The waitress asks what her “son” is having for lunch. She kisses Erik on the lips and tells the waitress he’ll be having her for lunch.
Back at the chateau, Emily is preparing to leave when she hears laughter nearby. She looks outside the window and sees Gabriel and Camille taking a walk, having fun. Her cab comes and she leaves. Louise enthusiastically waves goodbye to her as she gets in the cab. Timothèe catches up with her cab and tells her it was nice seeing her again, but he thinks they should both move on. Emily agrees.
Our Thoughts
We’d have to give it to Louise and Gérard. They were so brilliant in coming up with the plan to get Camille and Gabriel back together. Camille has the most supportive parents. It may be time for us to really give up on Emily and Gabriel and instead root for Emily and Alfie. They seem to really get along, and Gabriel was correct when he pointed out that a relationship with Alfie is not complicated. And yes, Emily can do with fewer complications in her life. Speaking of complications, the thing with Sylvie and Erik, plus Antoine on the side is like a disaster waiting to happen.
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