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Home Dark Matter: The Crew Attempt a Daring Heist With Deadly Repercussions

Dark Matter: The Crew Attempt a Daring Heist With Deadly Repercussions

BY Jennifer Griffin

Published 9 years ago

Dark Matter: The Crew Attempt a Daring Heist With Deadly Repercussions

It seems inconceivable, but over the next couple of episodes the crew of Dark Matter's Raza will be forced to put aside all their petty (and in some cases not so petty) grievances in order to survive.

Episodes 10 and 11 will explore a storyline in which a tempting job opportunity slowly turns into a nightmare for our misfits when they are forced to steal a mysterious package while working alongside another group of mercenaries.

We've seen the first of this tense two-parter a little earlier than most (thanks again Syfy) and have a collection of tidbits to share with like-minded fans.

Check out our coverage below, and follow @ScreenSpy on Twitter | ScreenSpy on Facebook for more exclusive weekly Dark Matter scoop.

Androids Androids Everywhere

Ok, maybe not everywhere but you’ll get to see a very cool sequence in which Android creates a factory default version of herself (complete with a red jumpsuit) to help assess whether her programming is flawed. While no one else can see or hear the other Android, she maintains a background presence, coolly, and dare we say a touch malevolently, observing Android’s every move.

I don’t like her already!

Kudos this week to Zoie Palmer for her perfect portrayal of two characters made completely unique with just the slightest changes in intonation and facial expression.

The Red Android must die!

Also, there is a third surprise android. Where you least expect it. It picks One up and tosses him across the room like a ragdoll, and as he’s flying through the air, he calls out to Three “CATCH ME!” and it’s honestly the funniest most random thing I’ve seen to date on this show.

I don’t know why this moment is there, but I love that it is.

Pictured: Anthony Lemke as Three -- (Photo by: Russ Martin/Prodigy Pictures/Syfy)

Pictured: Anthony Lemke as Three — (Photo by: Russ Martin/Prodigy Pictures/Syfy)

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