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Cobra Kai Season 2 Episode 4 Recap – The Moment of Truth


Published 2 years ago

Cobra Kai Season 2 Episode 4 Recap - The Moment of Truth

[00:00:30] Demetri swings by the Cobra Kai dojo. After the demonstration at Valley Fest, he finally decides to join Cobra Kai, but he doesn’t want to see Johnny, so he‘s relieved to see Kreese who he thinks will go soft on him. Demetri tells Kreese he’ll join Cobra Kai, but he wants to learn without getting hit. He also tells Kreese that his cobra tattoo isn’t anatomically correct. After airing out his demands, Kreese gives him a beating. Demetri leaves the dojo with a scratch on his face and a bloody nose.

[00:02:00] Robby suggests to Sam that they record themselves sparring. Sam says it will be useless because everyone already saw them at Valley Fest, and no one cared about them. Robby tells Sam that Miyagi-Do is too much on defense but no offense. Sam says defense wins championships. Robby answers that offense gets the people going. Sam suggests they go to the mall to pick a fight to which Robby agrees, but she‘s just being sarcastic. She tells Robby it’s a terrible idea to pick a fight.

[00:03:00] Sam approaches Daniel to teach them some more Karate, but he‘s too busy fixing Mr. Miyagi’s car. He tells Sam about when he started to become a car salesman. Daniel was the new car guy in the area, and someone was already selling cars there. Daniel outsold the competition by being honest with his customers. He tells Sam that it’s the key for them to be successful in Karate. They must be honest with their customers. Daniel fixes Mr. Miyagi’s car, so he invites Sam and Robby to join him for a drive.

[00:04:00] Back at the dojo, Kreese tells Aisha and Hawk some of his war stories. He tells them about the time he was in Mogadishu, Somalia. Kreese tells them Rwanda is a different place when the story is finished. Miguel notices the inconsistency in the story, so he tells Kreese that Mogadishu is in Somalia, not Rwanda. Kreese is surprised someone knows about the place, so he corrects his story and tells them he’s gotten things mixed up. It seems Kreese wasn’t really in the army.

[00:05:30] Johnny gets back from talking with Armand. After their demonstration, they get more students. He tells everyone to line up so he can see what everyone is made of. Part of the new recruits is the guy from the hardware store. Johnny tries to send him away, but the man offers cash just to be part of the class. Johnny can’t refuse money, so he tells the guy that he can have a trial run. He asks the class who has the guts to fight the champion. A girl from the back suddenly volunteers — Tory. Johnny tells Miguel to show the lady how a Cobra Kai fights. Miguel wants to take things easy, but Tory isn’t there just to watch. She knows how to fight.

[00:07:30] Miguel exchanges attack with her. It‘s an even score, but Miguel lets his guard down. He thinks the fight is over, but Tory takes him down. Meanwhile, Miyagi-Do goes to the country club so Daniel can talk to some of the parents there. He can’t appeal to the younger generation, so he thinks he can appeal to the parents instead. Upon their arrival, Robby gets worried because he used to work at the country club.

[00:09:30] Aisha is also worried. Her parents want her to show up at the country club, but she doesn’t want to go because Sam is there. She asks Tory to go with her to back her up. Meanwhile, Miguel discovers Kreese gave Demetri a good beating. He wants to file a lawsuit against Kreese, but Hawk tells him not to do anything he’ll regret. Hawk tells Miguel that Demetri is never Cobra Kai material. Miguel approaches Johnny about Kreese. He’s getting worried about him, but Johnny assures Miguel there’s nothing to worry.

[00:12:30] Daniel talks to some of his friends at the country club, appealing to them as parents. They are all having problems with their kids and don’t know what to do with them. Daniel comes in with a suggestion of enrolling them into Miyagi-Do. Meanwhile, Sam sees Aisha with Tory. She‘s still angry at her for ruining their demonstration at Valley Fest. Robby tells Sam that she should talk with Aisha. If a fight breaks out, they can record it and post it online. Sam approaches Aisha. They end up forgiving each other. Meanwhile, Robby chills by the pool when the club manager sees him. He‘s about to call the police on him when Amanda steps in.

[00:15:30] Amanda tells the manager that Robby is one of their guests. He tries to explain to them about Robby, but Amanda just sends him away. Amanda approaches Robby to explain himself. Robby says he was a very different person before he met them. Robby opts to leave and avoid problems, but Amanda tells him to stay. She tells Robby everyone deserves a second chance in life. Meanwhile, Johnny hears Kreese arguing with someone over the phone. Kreese tells him it‘s nothing, but Johnny knows he should follow Kreese to find out what he’s up to.

[00:17:00] Daniel is finally appealing to the men at the club. They‘re about to sign up their kids with Miyagi-Do, but Aisha’s mother goes over to brag about her. She shows them the video of their demonstration at Valley Fest and wins everyone over. Once again, Daniel is back at square one. Meanwhile, Tory steals a bottle of vodka from the bar. Sam tells Tory that she shouldn’t steal, but Tory won’t listen to Sam. Sam is worried about Aisha, but she decides to join Tory for a drink instead. Aisha really wants to be badass, unlike Sam, who is just a good person overall. Meanwhile, Johnny starts following Kreese across town. He calls Universal City Sheraton and discovers he‘s lying about staying there.

[00:19:30] Daniel walks on the beach. He sees a man fishing and thinks it‘s Mr. Miyagi. The man hasn’t gotten a single fish to bite, but he tells Daniel that he just needs to be patient. Back at the club, Amanda loses her wallet. Sam assumes Tory stole her mother’s wallet, so she confronts her. Tory tells Sam that she didn’t steal the wallet. Sam tries to take her bag, but Tory pushes Sam, so she topples over the buffet table. Sam is angry, but Aisha tells her she shouldn’t have accused Tory.

[00:22:00] Johnny finds Kreese entering a homeless shelter. He isn’t staying in a hotel because he‘s broke and homeless. Meanwhile, Robby knows it was his friends that stole Amanda’s wallet. He knows about it because he used to do it with them. Robby confronts them, but he underestimates his friends. A third guy arrives and hits his head with an oar. Robby is about to get stabbed when Daniel arrives. It‘s two against three, but Daniel is a Karate master, so that takes care of the handicap.

[00:25:00] Johnny tells Kreese that he should’ve just told him the truth. Kreese lost everything 30 years ago when Cobra Kai closed. He tried to enlist himself, but the army wouldn’t accept him. He didn’t pass the psychological tests. Kreese bounced from one job to another, and for the past 10 years, he’s been living in homeless shelters. Kreese is the closest thing to a father Johnny has, so he can’t turn his back on him. He tells Kreese he’ll get his second chance with Cobra Kai. All that Johnny wants is he tries things his way. Kreese shakes Johnny’s hand in agreement and calls him sensei.

[00:28:00] The next day, Sam reaches out to Aisha to talk, but she isn’t responding. Robby recorded the fight with his former friends; he showed it to Daniel. He thinks they can use the publicity, but Daniel refuses to post it online. He tells Robby that Mr. Miyagi didn’t recruit him because he needs students. Daniel approached Mr. Miyagi, and he chose to help him. Daniel wants to continue the same path and explains that those who need them will come to them for help. Out of nowhere, Demetri arrives and tells Daniel he wants to learn Karate.

[00:30:00] While Demetri teams up with Miyagi-Do, Cobra Kai is learning a new move — the back thrust kick. Johnny teaches them the basics of the kick, but he leaves everything else to Kreese. Miguel doesn’t trust Kreese, but Johnny assures him everything will be okay. Kreese takes over and tells everyone that the kick misleads enemies into thinking they‘re retreating. When the enemy decides to attack, it’s time to counter and land the kick. It‘s a devastating move, especially if the opponent can’t react in time.

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