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Home Castle Episode 5.05 ‘Probable Cause’ Sneak Peeks #2, #3 and #4

Castle Episode 5.05 ‘Probable Cause’ Sneak Peeks #2, #3 and #4

BY Jennifer Griffin

Published 12 years ago

Castle Episode 5.05 'Probable Cause' Sneak Peeks #2, #3 and #4

If the first sneak peek from Castle’s upcoming ‘Probable Cause’ gave you cause to wonder how Beckett could possibly suspect Castle of a grisly murder, then check out these new clips from the episode which takes a look at events leading up to his heart-breaking arrest.

The victim was murdered in a manner similar to victims from Castle’s books. He recognizes the wound on her forehead is a symbol which has been deliberately carved there long before the team make that connection, Castle’s fingerprints mysteriously turn up at the crime scene, and later, items used in the crime in Castle’s own home. Lastly, the victim knew her killer.

Does it mean Castle did it? Of course, we don’t believe it for a moment, but coupled with the clues from the first clip, it does make for some compelling evidence against Castle. Who could be clever enough to frame him in such a way? And Why?

Castle airs Monday October 29th on ABC.


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