‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Season 6, Episode 8 ‘He Said, She Said’ Recap: Case Oddities
BY Daniel Rayner
Published 6 years ago

After Brooklyn Nine-Nine and its beloved Captain figure out a move to oust his efforts against the evil Commissioner, the Nine-Nine’s detectives get their floor of the precinct back. With things going back to normal, the detectives receive the strangest of assignments. Meanwhile, the Captain reunites with a nemesis of old time.
In this week’s episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Captain Ray Holt (Andre Braugher) takes Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews) and Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) on a hunt for his old nemesis, the ‘Disco Strangler,’ Ernest Zumowksi (E.J. Callahan). Meanwhile, Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) and Amy Santiago-Peralta (Melissa Fumero) handle a sexual assault case.
Disco Strangler’s Escape
When Captain Holt receives news about the Disco Strangler’s death, he refuses to believe it. Holt knew that the Disco Strangler would eventually escape prison. Despite the long interval from when Holt arrested Zumowski, Holt chooses to investigate the case along with Terry and Charles. The duo often than not tried to convince Holt to drop the case. At first, Holt gives in to what the evidence they found told him: Zumowski is dead, ending that chapter of his life.
However, Captain Holt’s pre-placed search drones sent him an image that showed Zumowski in prison uniform. With that, Holt launches a full-blown operation with what seemed to be more troops than they needed. Now, Holt, Terry, and Charles insisted on the necessity of what they have, since Zumowski is a dangerous man, regardless of his age. Eventually, Holt, Terry, and Charles capture Zumowski after an awkward dialogue. Zumowski’s brain may still be working a little less different than it did in his prime, but his body was not exactly one would call a danger to society.
Broken Penis

Trae Patton/NBC
Since the phrase ‘Broken Penis’ did not seem to make the detectives laugh anymore, Jake decides to take the case seriously, joined by his wife, Amy. Jake and Amy take both statements from Seth Haggerty (Jonathan Chase), the man with the broken penis, and Keri Brennan (Briga Heelan), the sexual assault victim. Later, the accountancy firm, Hicks Street Capital, where both parties worked offered Keri a settlement in exchange for dropping charges against Seth. While Keri considered taking the money, Amy convinced her not to grab it. Instead, Keri let Jake and Amy work on the case.
Interviewing Keri’s co-workers brought them nothing useful. It was as if the management had all the other employees to say the same thing: “Seth is a really good guy, and this is an extremely professional workplace.” To add up to Keri’s misfortune, Hicks Street Capital decides to cancel their settlement offer and to fire Keri, since she chose to pursue the issue with the cops.
Realizing how Rosa Diaz’s (Stephanie Beatriz) tip on thinking about the victim’s situation became all but untrue, Amy sat on the case, not heading home to change or anything. Jake could not bear the sight of seeing her like that. As a result, he heads out to buy Amy’s necessities before working on the case with her. Eventually, Jake and Amy nail Seth. One of the employees, Beefer/Steve (Matt Lowe) sends them a text chain between Seth and the other Male employees that detailed the incident in favor of Keri. However, reality hits Keri as she resigns, since the atmosphere in the workplace changed.
When Jake and Amy return to the precinct, Amy felt bad about Keri losing her job. Since Amy has a similar experience with Keri, she dedicated much of her time to the case. When Keri has a similar outcome with Amy, it made her feel worse. However, Rosa steps in to reveal that Keri’s co-worker, Alexandra (Toni Robinson-May) went to the station to give her statement. Jake and Amy’s case inspired others to speak up, and that is what matters.
‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Season 6, Episode 8 ‘He Said, She Said’ Final Verdict
Just in time for women’s month, Brooklyn Nine-Nine tackles the issue about feminism. Despite some minor issues on the feminist plot, the story was still entertaining. Captain Holt’s reunion with his nemesis brought much humor to the show. Also, the feminist plot had a message that was easy for everyone to understand. The show is no stranger to handling political issues, but the way they dealt with this one needed some minor tweaks.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine continues Thursday, March 7th, with ‘The Golden Child’ at 9/8c on NBC.
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