‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Season 5, Episode 16 ‘NutriBoom’ Recap: The Downsides and Upsides [SPOILERS]
BY Christian Adwell
Published 7 years ago
!['Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 5, Episode 16 'NutriBoom' Recap: The Downsides and Upsides [SPOILERS]](https://i0.wp.com/www.screenspy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Screenshot_12.png?fit=660%2C404&ssl=1)
In an attempt to reclaim his investment, Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) takes down an investment scheme company. In FOX’s “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” Season 5, Episode 16, titled “NutriBoom,” Jake spies on a food supplement company while his wife, Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero) starts on her career as the department’s new sergeant.
Will Jake and Amy have their dream honeymoon? Are ten thousand dollars enough to sue a pyramiding company down? Will Amy control her “Amy?”
Hello, Boom Boom!
When Jake fell into signing a contract with the company “NutriBoom,” there’s no backing down. All it took was a few strokes of a pen on a piece of paper, and his ten grand investment is gone for good (not to mention the quarterly fees paid for the subscription). Jake and his Detective Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) head to the NutriBoom Headquarters to cancel their contract.
Upon arrival, Angela (Christine Garver), the receptionist of the building greeted them. She explains that all Jake needed is to sign the papers. But when Jake is about to sign, Angela adds that he needs to pay fine for the cancellation of the contract, shipping fees, stocking fees, and other fees that Jakes doesn’t want to pay for.
Jake (being Jake) devises a plan that could save him and his wallet. He and Charles will go undercover. Although tricky, it is a sure way to get him his money back. Not only that, if he exposes the company that it is a pyramiding scam, he gets to shut them down. To get the files that they needed, they have to be inside the headquarters. In an attempt to recover files, Jake and Charles became undercover agents.
In a party for the NutriBoom subscribers, Jake pretended to be a NutriBoom user, while Charles as a NutriBoom clerk. When an audio-visual presentation got the guests’ attention, Jake and Charles sneaked into NutriBoom’s office. In there, they acquired the files of the sales and other records of the company. With it, Jake discovers the cover up NutriBoom did a year ago.
It’s Like Staring At A Mirror
Meanwhile., after the long-awaited promotion, Amy begins as the new sergeant of the department. On her first day, she gathers her squad for a meeting. But Amy’s anxious about it. To know more about how to run a meeting, she asks Terry (Terry Crews) for help. Terry suggests that she pours a glass of water between her sentences, so she doesn’t get anxious about the whole set up.

In the meeting, she brings a pitcher and a glass. After greeting everyone, she poured her first glass. But when she paused, one of her policemen tried to suggest something. Gary Jennings (Drew Tarver) is one talkative policeman. Although he’s new in the team, he acts like he’s someone confident to talk to anyone. He gives suggestions when Amy pours a glass of water.
Due to Amy’s anxiety, she continued to pour water into her glass. Soon enough, the glass overflowed. In an attempt to save the meeting, Amy tells everyone that the first task of the squad is to dry the floors.
Amy comes to where her friends are. Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz) and Gina Linetti (Chelsea Peretti) tells Amy what to do. Since she is dealing with “herself,” Rosa and Gina suggest doing things that they would do to avoid her. They hide as fast as they could, and then they try to avoid Amy before she could ask how Rosa and Gina disappeared without notice.
Amy tried to do what Rosa and Gina suggested. When Gary approached him, she would veer away from him. Amy would always try to escape Gary. Even if it were impossible, she would still make a way to be free from Gary’s ideas. But when things got worse, she came to Captain James Holt (Andre Braugher).
Amy disclosed everything to Captain Holt. When she finished, Captain Holt only suggested one thing, and that’s to listen. Amy realized that she never listened to Gary’s suggestion. Captain Holt added that it wasn’t a job to listen to “Amy.” It was a pleasure to listen to “Amy.” Amy solved a lot of things for the department.
During the next meeting, Amy asked Gary for forgiveness. She admitted everything that she did to stay clear of Gary. She also tasked Gary to think of a plan for proper filing in the office. Gary gave Amy five steps and 23 substeps on what they should do. But Amy asked Gary to share it with him after the meeting.
Goodbye, Boom Boom!
Jake was right about his speculations. The company NutriBoom is hiding something from them. According to the files, the company did a cover-up in the past year for them to become free from the eyes of the law. Jake threatened NutriBoom co-owner Debbie Stovelman (Kate Butler) for their past evil deeds. Jake promised that he would go to the FBI to report the illegal act done by NutriBoom.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Season 5: Episode 16: ‘NutriBoom’
Jake comes back to the office and greets Amy after her meeting. He wasn’t able to reclaim his money from the pyramiding scam. Of course, he was sorry because they couldn’t go on a honeymoon. However, Amy assured him that every day is a honeymoon with her. Amy realizes that a paparazzi is across the street from them while taking pictures. Jake tells Amy that something like that would be around them for a while due to his feud with the multi-million company, NutriBoom.
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” continues next Sunday, April 22nd, with “Gray Star Mutual” at 8:30/7:30c on FOX.
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