Blood of Zeus Season 1 Episode 5 Recap – Escape or Die
BY Harris
Published 3 years ago

The demons take their captives to a deserted location. They shackle and whip Heron and the others and lead them to two massive galleys by the beach.
Alexia goes to meet her mentor Chiron the wise, in settlement of the centaurs. They live by the mountains with their buildings tucked into caves and slopes, guided by technology as advanced as the humans. Unbeknownst to her, a raven watches from above.
In his study, she finds in Chiron, now crowned as Wise King of the Forest. She shows him the map to understand the secret inscriptions written within. Chiron recognizes it as the key to the labyrinth where the giant’s remains are hidden. Alexia can’t find any reference to a location, but that’s because it’s based on the position of the stars.
Chiron overlays it on his star map, which shows her the direction. Suddenly a horde of demons emerges from hiding, led by Seraphim. They had already been here before her.
Chiron apologizes. He had no choice but to secure his people. Alexia takes out her weapons and fights them. Seraphim throws his bident at her, but Chiron pulls her away and subdues her. He gives Seraphim the map but only after slathering it with mud via his hoof. As they get cornered, he has no choice but to give up Alexia.
Heron and the others are enlisted as oarsmen to move the galleys. He comes up with a plan to escape, enlisting the help of his two fellow captives.
Seraphim chains Alexia to a boulder with the intention of converting her. He meets with Hera in her tent, who asks him to take the adamantine sword to kill Heron. The sword can cut through anything on his earth, and it can be used to destroy the automaton that guards the giant’s prison.
Seraphim heads to his real mother’s home to know how she lived and sees the remnants of the sword’s creation. He sees the polis burnt to ashes, and just below his view, a glint in the distance. He finds the sword and pulls it out of the stone, and it cuts through the boulder easily.
Heron and his new allies Evios and Kofi plan to sabotage the demons while they replace the oil from the lamps. The two stage a fake argument that distracts the demons, letting them pick their pockets for the keys. They free themselves and kill three demons. The rest of the enslaved free themselves while Heron and the others kill the demons on deck.
Evios takes command of the galley and rams it to the other vessel. Alexia, whos on shore waiting to board her ship, sees all of this happen.
Reckless Wrath
Hermes reports to Zeus that Hera is working with the demon leader Seraphim. He noticed her presence when he was retrieving a soul from the dead, and they suspect her of conspiring with the demons.
Seraphim flies back to the galleys to find Heron. He breaks the mast with his new sword and sees him. Zeus doesn’t think he’s ready, so he intervenes and shoots a bolt of lightning that breaks the galley and stops their fight.
Seraphim tries to go again, but Zeus’ power crashes through the waves, and it turns into a massive thunderstorm that can be seen through Olympus and the mortal world.
As Zeus calms down, he sees the Pantheon staring at him. Poseidon gives him a menacing look while Hera smiles from the window.
Our Thoughts
I love the writing in this show, and I can’t stop laughing at how Zeus digs a deeper hole for himself with every episode. I rate this 3.5/5.
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