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Home Articles TV Beastars Season 2 Episode 3 Recap – Changes

Beastars Season 2 Episode 3 Recap – Changes

BY Harris

Published 3 years ago

Beastars Season 2 Episode 3 Recap - Changes

New Guy

Legoshi continues his search for Tem’s murderer. With advice from Six Eyes, he uses his carnivorous instincts to piece together the puzzle. He sees that Tem only ever hangs out with carnivores at the drama club. This makes Bill uncomfortable, so he teases Legoshi about his relationship with Haru. They’re about to exchange blows when a new member comes in to check the club.

He’s a charming goat who swaggers in and checks out his locker before leaving the room with choice words for the carnivores.

In a flashback, we see how Rouis infiltrated the ranks of the Shishigumi by shooting down the former boss. As the underlings arrive, Rouis introduces himself as product number 4 and invites them to eat him. Instead, the remaining members argue about who the next boss should be.

Suddenly, Ibuki recognizes him, so he looks Rouis up. They discover he’s a prospective Beastar candidate from Cherryton school. Ibuki suggests having him as the boss to improve their reputation amongst the herbivore society.

Fearing he’ll become their pawn, Rouis attempts to shoot himself, but they stop him. Rouis wakes up on a bed with the Shishigumi waiting to discuss their proposal. Rouis recoils. He hates cat smells even more than he hates dogs.


The lions ended up with a 50-50 vote as to whether or not Rouis should lead them. To settle the impasse, they offer Rouis a piece of buffalo steak. Dining together with them would foster their friendship and solidify the vote. Rouis’ first instinct is to vomit, but with everyone staring at him, he manages to compose himself. Refusing would surely mean his death. After a grueling internal struggle, he finally manages to take part in the meat, even going so much as saying it’s delicious and asking for more.

At the drama club, Sanu introduces Pina, the first-year thinhorn sheep from earlier. The female members fawn over his charming words and pretty fur. Bill asks if he’s to be supposed to be Rouis’ replacement. Pina likes the idea, suggesting he could do it for his looks. He adds that carnivores can’t achieve such beauty since they’re rife with internal struggle. He even teases Legoshi for having a scar despite his stagehand role, linking it to the devouring incident.

Bill and the others defend Legoshi, but the wolf merely feels annoyed that these could be roadblocks to his investigation.

Later, the carnivores meet on the rooftop to discuss their pent-up issues. They ask Legoshi if he suspects anyone in their group could be Tem’s murderer. Legoshi insists he only wants to talk, adding that he could also be a suspect since he’s a wolf.


He suggests the group should be more considerate with the herbivores, but Bill objects, saying they’ve already been doing that. Bill adds he should be more honest, asking him if doing it with a small rabbit is really possible for someone like him. Feeling uncomfortable, Legoshi swears to keep silent. Aoba then asks him if his attraction to Haru is a mere kindness that’s an extension of his friendship with Tem and Rouis.

The wolf ponders on it and later meets with Haru. She asks if something bad has happened. He instead checks the cut she has in her hand and remembers how different they are in size. Despite their differences, he’s sure he’s attracted to her. She pulls him in for a kiss, but then he asks if she still likes Rouis.

After a pause, he realizes he’s content with seeing her safe from afar and leaves.

Our Thoughts

Normally, in anime, a confession would end up in a relationship. This one makes things even more complicated, which I appreciate. 3.5/5.

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