Attack on Titan Season 3 Episode 18 Recap – Midnight Sun
BY Harris
Published 2 years ago

Final Moments
Eren stares in shock at Armin‘s burnt body, regretting that he should have known that it was his plan. Suddenly, he sees the Beast and Cart Titan make a move behind him, so he threatens to kill Bertholdt instead.
The Beast stares in shock and asks if he‘s Eren Jaeger, noting that he doesn‘t look like his father. He claims to know what he‘s going through as they‘re both victims of Grisha.
Levi arrives from the sky and the Beast declares the fight a draw after all the damage they incurred. They resign Bertholdt to his fate, and he tells Eren that he‘ll come back and rescue him.
Levi drops and asks for Eren‘s gas to chase down the Beast. Eren obeys as Armin‘s body quivers behind him.
Hange talks to Reiner with his chopped-off limbs and asks what‘s inside the metal box he‘s keeping. He claims it was from Ymir, and they have to send it to Christa. Hange threatens to kill him for answers, but Jean reasons that they can still steal his power.
He remembers Erwin telling them about the serum, and how they can use it to steal one of the enemy‘s Titan powers. If they manage it, they can steal information from them and also revive a fallen member. Their order is to cut off the enemy‘s limbs once they capture them and call for Captain Levi who‘s entrusted with the injection.
The Serum
Hange decides to end it all that day as they have no idea of the others‘ whereabouts. Jean appeals that his death will leave them clueless about the Titans again, so Hange backs down and orders Mikasa to check on Levi for the serum.
There, Mikasa finds Eren talking to Armin‘s burnt body as he asks for Levi to revive Armin at once.
Meanwhile, the Cart takes Reiner and escapes with him, throwing Hange and the others off.
Just as Levi is about to hand the serum, Floch arrives carrying Commander Erwin on his back who‘s also on the verge of death. Levi must decide between them. He decides to use it on Erwin, citing him as humanity‘s savior, but Eren and Mikasa objects.
Levi tells them to keep their emotions out of it. Mikasa tackles him down, but he insists they can’t win without Erwin. Eren argues that it‘s no different without Armin. He was the one who gave them breakthroughs all along, from sealing Trost to defeating Bertholdt.
Floch and Levi insist it‘s the other way around as all the Scouts died outside to defeat the Beast Titan. Floch wanted to kill Erwin for his death charge, until he saw Levi succeed against the enemy. He realized that the only one who can defeat the enemy is a devil like Erwin.
The Decision
Hange drags Mikasa back as they all witness the dreadful situation in front of them. She reminds them that they all lost someone that day, but they should move forward.
Eren pleads to Levi about Armin‘s dream of exploring the sea. Unlike them, Armin isn‘t evil and has wonderful ambitions. Levi orders them to go as he intends to revive Erwin. Floch drags Eren while Hange carries Mikasa away.
Levi remembers Erwin‘s dream of searching the basement even if it kills him. He recalls Kenny‘s words of everyone being drunk on something. Still unconscious, Erwin raises his hand in a fever dream, remembering his father‘s lectures. Levi makes a decision.
Bertholdt wakes up to find Armin‘s Titan form devour him. In his final moments, he yells at Eren and the others to help him. Floch asks Levi about his decision, so he responds that he doesn‘t want the devil to return after he already escaped from hell. It‘s time for him to rest.
Armin emerges from his Titan form carried by his friends.
Our Thoughts
This is one of the most heartbreaking and difficult decisions in the series so far. Honestly, it could have gone either way and would still be compelling. Rating: 4.5/5.
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