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Home Articles TV Attack On Titan Season 2 Episode 4 Recap – Soldier

Attack On Titan Season 2 Episode 4 Recap – Soldier

BY Harris

Published 3 years ago

Attack On Titan Season 2 Episode 4 Recap - Soldier

Foreign Provisions

The beast titan climbs up to Wall Maria, watching over his minions as they attack Castle Utgard.

2 hours earlier, while inspecting the castle’s ruins, they find various supplies inside labeled with foreign letters. They guess that perhaps this place was used as a hideout for bandits. The seniors take charge of keeping the 104th cadets safe, planning for an escape in four hours.

Christa suggests that their situation may not be that dangerous, as they didn’t find any hole in the wall. The only titans they encountered came from the initial attack.

Ymir asks Connie about his town, and he explains what happened. He thinks everyone escaped, but that doesn’t explain why the village was in ruins. Connie tells everyone about the titan at his house, saying it reminds him of her mother. Ymir laughs it off as ridiculous and calls him stupid for taking things to another level, and he yells at her to shut up.

Later, Reiner catches Ymir scavenging through the supplies left by the bandits. He asks her to stop joking about Connie, who’s worried enough as it is. Ymir then picks up a can and complains about herring, but when Reiner grabs it, he sees it’s labeled in an alien language. He asks him how she was able to read it.


But before they could resolve it, the titans suddenly attacked their position. The four armed seniors jump in to fight, defeating the large titan at the forefront and crushing the little ones below with its weight. However, they’re too late, as another titan manages to slip through the doors and could be climbing up to the others.

Reiner leads the rest of the team to barricade their position using whatever they can find. He opens the lower door and finds a titan already barged through. Memories fill his mind of a previous encounter with a titan eating his friend. Bertholdt moves in and pierces the enemy while Ymir and the rest drop a cannon to the spiral staircase and defeat their foe.

Reiner saves Connie from another small titan, but he gets bitten. Connie slices its mouth to free Reiner, and they kick the titan out the window before barricading the next door. Connie promises to pay him back, but Reiner responds that he did a soldier’s duty. Bertholdt, on the other hand quips that he wasn’t acting like a warrior.

Outside, they find their seniors defeat most of the titans, but another attack mysteriously comes from above, killing Lynne and Henning. Down below, more titans are approaching their position. In the ensuing battle, Nanaba and Gelgar lose their remaining gas and blades. They fight till the end, but Gelgar has wounds on his head, and the titans continue to swarm. Not long after they are consequently killed.

Fight till the end

Christa and the others witness their deaths and feel the frustration and helplessness of having no means to fight. Ymir reprimands Christa for her selfless, heroic tendencies, so he asks for Connie’s knife and volunteers to fight with it.

Before leaving, she reminds Christa of their promise while training on the snowy mountain. She has no way of dictating Christa’s life, all she has is the hope that she lives a life that she can be proud of.

Sunlight seeps through the clouds as morning comes. Ymir jumps down the tower as Christa desperately calls for her to stop. As she drops, Ymir wounds her hand with the knife and transforms into a ferocious titan.

Our Thoughts

AOT is the kind of show that will answer questions with more questions, and I love it. Rating: 3.8/5.

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