Attack On Titan Season 1 Episode 8 Recap – I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4
BY Harris
Published 3 years ago

Back to HQ
Mikasa throws away Armin’s remaining blade as she promises not to leave him this time. Armin then gets the idea to use the abnormal titan to their advantage. Since it attacks other titans and ignores them, it could be best if they could lead it to the HQ. If Mikasa and Connie kill the titans surrounding it, it will naturally be ferried towards HQ.
Connie thinks it’s ridiculous, but Mikasa agrees that it might work. She starts moving on.
Jean continues to watch as the titans from below continue devouring his squadmates. But he soon realizes that now is the time for them to move, using their squadmates as a distraction. He commands everyone to charge towards HQ while saving their gas.
Mikasa helps the Abnormal titan by defeating the others near it. Connie follows with Armin in tow.
Marco thanks Jean for his leadership, but they’re not entirely saved yet. He breaks into the HQ windows with Annie and Reiner’s squad behind him. He thinks about how many they lost to get here but finds the supply team members hiding inside HQ.
Fighting Back
He punches the supply squad for abandoning them, but they defend that they have no choice. A titan smashes its head into the walls and is now pushing through. Jean’s hope fizzles out as the others around him panic and hide.
Suddenly he finds the abnormal titan attacking the rampaging ones. Mikasa, Armin, and Connie follow through the window just as they’re about to lose their gas. Connie pats Armin for his great idea and tells the rest about using the attacking titan to their advantage. The others agree to the ridiculous idea after Mikasa’s insistence.
Jean and his crew find rifles inside the facility and plan to use them against the titans. Armin thinks it’s enough to defeat the three-meter titans wandering the halls. They can shoot the titans inside by crowding the lift and lowering them while others attack from behind. Armin feels insecure about his plan, but the others assure him it’s the best they’ve got.
The cadets lower the lift and aim, waiting for the opportune moment when all the titans look at them. Others wait from above to kill them without the use of ODM gear. Everyone waits in bated breath and fires to disrupt the enemy’s vision. Mikasa and the others then strike their assigned foes, but one of them survives.
Cadets Resupplied
It moves toward Sasha and Connie, but Mikasa and Annie come in to defeat it. Now that the depot is cleared of enemies, it’s time for everyone to resupply. Marco tells Jean his unremarkable strength makes him a great leader, as he has to use his wits to grasp the situation. He credits him for saving his life.
Now that everyone’s ODM gears are refilled, they can return back to safety. Mikasa climbs above the rooftop and sees the others devouring the titan from before. Reiner agrees that they should save it since it may hold the key to defeating the enemy. Jean thinks it’s a crazy idea, but Annie adds that there’s a possibility of using this titan as an ally or weapon.
Armin finds the titan that killed Thomas approaches them. Seeing this, the abnormal titan frees itself from his attackers and rushes to bite it despite its already severed limbs. The titan screams and falls to the ground, steaming to its death. Jean tells them to retreat, but the others stare in shock as Eren emerges from the titan’s nape.
Mikasa rushes in to pull him off, relieved that he’s still alive.
Our Thoughts
So they didn’t kill off the MC after all. The mystery around these titans is such a great hook. Rating: 4/5
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