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Home SUITS Season 6 Episode Guide

SUITS Season 6 Episode Guide

BY Jennifer Griffin

Published 9 years ago

SUITS Season 6 Episode Guide

Episode 6×09 “The Hand That Feeds You”

To protect Mike, Harvey considers putting Gallo back on the streets. Jessica and Rachel get Bailey’s case re-opened, but winning it is no slam dunk. And Louis deals with his anxiety over Tara.

Air Date: Wednesday September 7


Episode 6×08 “Borrowed Time”

Harvey counters Cahill’s star witness, while Mike tries to deliver one of his own. Jessica and Rachel fight to delay Leonard’s imminent execution. And Louis adjusts to life as “the other man.”

Air Date: Wednesday August 31


Episode 6×07 “Shake the Trees”

Harvey, Louis and Donna search for a missing link to Sutter’s inside trading. Mike takes a drastic step to get Kevin on his side. Rachel and Jessica give Leonard Bailey some bad news.

Air Date: Wednesday August 24


Episode 6×06 “Spain”

Harvey defends Sutter from Cahill, as Mike’s past threatens to derail his mission. Rachel and Jessica seek evidence to re-open Bailey’s case.

And Louis woos Tara with a trip to the Hamptons.

Air Date: Wednesday August 17


Episode 6×05 “Trust”

Mike works to gain Kevin’s trust while Harvey enacts a risky plan. Jessica mends the firm’s reputation as Rachel runs into a roadblock.

Louis enlists Donna’s help in a matter of the heart.

Air Date: Wednesday August 10


Episode 6×04 “Turn”

Mike contemplates a deal that could reduce his sentence. Jessica and Louis take differing approaches to dealing with their new tenants. Rachel begins representing a death row inmate.

Air Date: Wednesday August 3


Episode 6×03 “Back on the Map”

Mike tries to stay safe without violating Danbury’s unwritten rules. Jessica and Harvey try to land a whale. Louis searches for an office tenant. And Rachel goes up against a fellow student.

Air Date: Wednesday July 27


Episode 6×02 “Accounts Payable”

Louis, Jessica and Harvey fend off a class action lawsuit from PSL’s former clients.
Meanwhile, Mike runs afoul of a fellow prisoner due to reasons beyond his own control.

Air Date: Wednesday July 20


Episode 6×01 “To Trouble”

Mike transitions to prison life while Harvey, Jessica, Louis, Donna and Rachel deal with the fallout of Mike’s plea deal and try to prevent what’s left of PSL from collapsing.

Air Date: Wednesday July 13

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