After Life Season 2 Episode 3 Recap
BY Angela
Published 3 years ago

Tony gets out of his house and sees Pat having breakfast outside. Tony asks him what he’s doing there, and Pat explains that he was about to go in, but he didn’t know if Tony was busy, so he just decided to eat outside. Tony tells him that eating inside his house or outside of it shouldn’t be the only option because there’s the rest of the world. Pat asks him if he told Daphne about him, and Tony says she agreed to meet up for a meal. Pat does not believe that Tony was honest about him, and she still agrees to meet up, so he asks for the catch. Tony explains that Daphne wanted to be honest with Pat, so she wants Tony to tell him that she’s a sex worker. Pat didn’t seem to be bothered at all.
Tony passes by George’s school. George asks him if his parents are getting a divorce, and Tony tells him that he doesn’t know. However, he explains that whatever happens, they will still be George’s mom and dad. He even adds that George can play them against each other and get things he likes. He assures George that everything will be fine.
Sandy comes into the office, and Valerie greets her happy birthday and says that she knew because it was on Sandy’s records. Leeny greets her and asks James to make her a cup of tea. Tony comes and greets her too. Kat approaches Sandy, muses that she’s a Virgo, and offers to do her horoscope if she likes. Tony tells her that horoscopes are pointless because people born around the same time cannot share the same traits just because of that. Kat insists on it being true and says that Virgos are intelligent, modest, capable, and dedicated. She tells them that it fits Sandy, but Tony says that they purposely make horoscopes flattering and vague so that they can fit anybody.
Tony asks Sandy if she’s okay, and she says that she’s just feeling 30. Tony shares that he hated being 30 too, but he loved 40, and 50 was alright. He asks Sandy to go out and have coffee.
Sandy tells Tony that her parents got her a set of saucepans and a super mop for her birthday at the coffee shop. She also says she wants to apologize for asking Tony to be happy because she realized that it was a stupid thing to say. He says that people think that if he does all the things he missed doing with Lisa, he’ll be okay, but it’s not true. He says that he does not miss doing things with Lisa, but he misses doing nothing with Lisa – just sitting at home and not even speaking. This brings him near to tears and Sandy, so they talk about the mop again.
Tony sees Emma talking to Simon at the shelter and interrupts their conversation. He tells Simon that he’s there a lot, and he tells him that his mom is there, and it breaks his heart. He adds that everyone in there breaks his heart, and he wishes he could take them all home. Tony tells him to start with his mom. Simon says he cannot due to his present circumstances.
He goes into his father’s room, and Emma follows. He tells Emma that he’s acting all kind and funny to impress her. Emma tells him that it works, being kind and lovely, and Tony tells her that it’s fake. Emma tells him that she doesn’t feel the same about Simon as she does about him, but he isn’t an option. She says that she thinks Tony is brilliant, but it’s just that he goes on about another woman all the time. She says she understands why Tony does that, and it’s lovely, but she does not want to be the other woman.
Matt revisits his therapist. He’s being told that he should go out there to meet other women. The therapist even asks Matt to go with him and his friends to a local pub so that he can get some action going.
For a feature story, Tony and Lenny interview a woman who claims to know how to speak to cats. When Tony asks her how she discovered she could talk to cats, she says that it was just after her daughter Jenny died because the cat she is holding belonged to her. She tells them the cat’s name is Frank, after her husband’s name. She offers them a cup of tea and asks them if they’re hungry. Before leaving, Tony tells Lenny that the woman is lonely and just wanted the names of her daughter and husband to be on the paper, and the cat thing was just for an in.
Back at the office, the owner of the paper and the building tells Matt that he’s retiring, and he plans to close the paper and sell the building since the paper isn’t making money anyway. Matt asks him for some time, and the owner tells him that if he can make an offer he cannot refuse, he might change his mind, although he thinks it’s not possible.
After he leaves, Matt tells everyone about Mr. Middleton’s plan to stop running the paper. Kath boasts that if she loses her job at the paper, she has Tambury Brewery to go to because the boss there fancies her. Sandy cries and explains that her job at the paper is the only job she has ever liked, and since she’s the breadwinner of their family, she’ll need to find another job that she hates if the paper closes. Tony promises to save the paper.
Tony finds Anne by the graveyard yet again. He shares that there is a possibility that the paper he’s working for will close and that he promised to save it for Sandy’s sake. He shares about Matt, Lenny, June, and James and says that if he had killed himself, he would have missed everything.
Matt leads a brainstorming session for ideas to save the paper at the office. Kath suggests they go more tabloid and feature celebrities, fashion, and even paranormal things. Valerie comes in and presents a cake to Sandy while singing Happy Birthday. Tony got a flashback of when they were singing the same thing to Lisa. Lisa slices the cake and puts some on his plate, and then he smudges some of it on Lisa’s face.
Back to the present, Tony gets a piece of cake and throws it at Sandy’s face because she looks sad. Sandy throws some back at him, and Tony throws at Lenny and Matt. Kath tries to wipe it off Matt, but Matt tells her to stop. Matt goes into his office and asks Tony to come with him. Once inside, Matt asks Tony to have a drink with him that night. He says that he needs someone to talk to because his life is falling apart.
Pat waits for Roxy at a restaurant. She comes, and Pat introduces himself. Pat is nervous about his date because he cannot stop talking.
Matt and Tony arrive at the pub and order drinks. While waiting to get served, their therapist sees them and asks them to join their table. Tony walked away when the therapist said that Matt had taken his advice to go out and bang some beaver. He follows Tony outside.
Meanwhile, Roxy and Pat get to know each other over dinner. Roxy asks Pat why he’s single, and he says that he used to be twice his size, and he explains that he just lost weight when he became a postman. He says that he loves the date, and Roxy says she’s enjoying it.
Back at the pub, Matt tries to chat with some women but fails miserably. Simon and Emma arrive, and Tony walks out.
Pat talks about splitting the bill with Roxy. Roxy insists on paying for everything, but Pat tells her they should split it this time. He suggests that Roxy just pay for the whole thing on their next date.
Tony watches a video of Lisa — it is Matt and Jill’s wedding day, and Lisa looks so happy as she calls the newlyweds into the dancefloor for their first dance.
Our Thoughts
So Sandy has grown into Tony so much that he promised to save the paper for her. That was so unexpected, but a good thing because it means that Tony is letting himself become vulnerable again. We’re so happy that Pat and Roxy shared what could be the most chill date in all of history. They didn’t care about impressing one another; they just ate and let things be. Speaking of letting things be, Matt should not force himself to date again because he is a disaster when starting conversations. Lastly, we hope we are not bidding Tambury Gazette goodbye anytime soon because we feel like their office has grown on us.
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