After Life Season 1 Episode 6 Recap
BY Angela
Published 3 years ago

In yet another video, Lisa tells Tony to have fun and to meet someone else nearly as lovely as her.
Matt tells Tony and Lenny about a lead for a feature story at the office – a baby that looks like Adolf Hitler. They go for a visit and find out that the mustache was just eyeliner. Tony tells them that naturally, the baby doesn’t look like Hitler. Lenny tells him it’s just for a laugh.
Back at the office, Kath again comes to Tony with another banal question. She asks him about the point of living when you know it will end. He tells her that life is precious because you’ve only got one of it, so you should do everything with passion.
Tony goes to the crematorium for Julian’s funeral, but he arrives after the service is over. He bumps into Daphne, who was late, and he tells her that he’s going to ask her dad’s nurse out. They hugged before parting ways.
Tony visits his dad, who surprisingly remembers his name and recognizes him as his son. He remembers how Tony drew on their wallpaper back when he was 7.
Tony tells his therapist that he thinks he doesn’t need therapy anymore and that he calls his therapist a dickhead for pretending that he genuinely cares. He tells Tony that it was Matt’s idea to have him go to therapy because it helps him get through despite his marriage being on the rocks.
Tony talks to Matt after finding out the news. Matt tells him they’re trying to work it out. He tells Tony that everybody is going through something, so he should think twice the next time he decides to be rude to someone. Tony then realizes how everyone around him has been putting up with him despite their problems.
He thanks Lenny for being his human stress ball, letting him grab the skin at the back of his head. He tells Sandy that she’s brilliant. He thanks Kath for constantly annoying him with her questions. Finally, he thanks Matt for never giving up on him.
Tony goes to the shelter to ask Emma out. Emma tells him she’ll think about it.
Tony visits Lisa’s grave and sees Anne. He tells her that he ranted about how worth living life is at work and that it was her fault. He goes on to say that if you’re a good person, doing things you want to do and doing the right thing are the same. She tells him that he’s a good person and that it will be a waste if he kills himself.
Tony decides to be a happy person. He leaves a bottle of wine by his door with a note to Pat. He buys a bike for Robbie and leaves a note saying that he’s not a murderer. He brings a copy of the paper by Brian’s door with his story on the front page. He finally irons his clothes, washes the dishes, and cleans the house. He puts a photo of Kevin Hart on Kath’s snowglobe.
Matt and Jill go to marriage counseling, and Lenny enjoys a movie with June and her son.
A fellow nurse asks Emma if she’ll go out with Tony to the shelter. She tells her that she still hasn’t decided because she has never seen a man as sad as him, but he can make her laugh despite that.
Tony walks in, and Emma tells him that she’ll go with him for a drink. The two head out together.
Our Thoughts
This season finale is something that has made us very happy. Tony finally acknowledging the efforts of the people around him is something so refreshing. And, of course, having the courage to ask Emma out is something – this is him making himself vulnerable and open to the prospect of being with someone else after Lisa died. This is certainly not easy to do, so kudos, Tony! Kevin Hart on Kath’s snowglobe, Brian on the paper, and the wine for Pat have made us tear up. Oh, we’re wondering what else might be there for another season, but we’re glad there is another one coming.
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