After Life Season 1 Episode 4 Recap
BY Angela
Published 3 years ago

Tony starts his day watching footage of him pranking Lisa yet again.
Postman Pat gives the mail to Lenny instead of putting it through the letterbox. Pat waves to Tony as Lenny hands him the post.
Tony and Lenny visit a woman at the hospital for a feature story. She says being fat has saved her life because a chunk of wood that went through her missed her vital organ because of the fats. Tony bursts her bubble by saying that if she had been thin, then the wood will have missed her.
On their way out, Tony goes to Lisa’s old hospital room and stays there for a bit before grabbing a snack with Lenny.
Back at the office, Lenny shows Sandy how to upload photos. Tony listens and gets disgusted. He asks Sandy why she wanted to work there when she might eventually end up like Lenny. Matt begs to differ and tells her that their place is a good stepping stone because someone who worked there ended up working for The Guardian. Kath contradicts this by saying that the guy now works as a lorry driver.
Matt changes the subject by saying that he’s gotten Tony a date with a widow. He tells him that he’s not going to date anyone and gets upset.
Tony talks to his therapist about getting pressured to date again. He says he doesn’t want to because he thinks he’s never going to find someone perfect again. His therapist tells him to just have fun.
Tony visits his dad at the shelter and apologizes to Emma, the caregiver. She accepts and tells him how his dad has gone on a spree of telling funny random things to people. This lightens up Tony’s mood.
Tony talks to Anne again at the graveyard and tells her that he doesn’t want to date again because he doesn’t want to live without Lisa. She tells him that it’s not all about Tony because we’re not here for us, but for others. She tells him that she thinks he still sees life as worth living.
Matt apologizes for getting involved with Tony’s dating life. Tony tells him not to bother because he’s going. Lenny asks him what he’ll wear and upon realizing that he has nothing, Sandy offers to take him shopping.
Tony tells Sandy that she is not wasting her time working at the Gazette while they’re out. He tells her that it’s his fault he ended up the way he did, and Sandy can become who she wants to be.
On their way back to the office, they bump into Daphne. Tony introduces Daphne to Sandy as her cleaner, so she takes the opportunity to ask for the keys to his house to test him. He hands her the keys.
Tony sees that Daphne did an amazing job cleaning his house. Daphne didn’t take any payment from him and says that she asked for his keys to see if he trusts her. She tells him that not everyone is out to get him and that sometimes it’s no one’s fault when bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people.
During his date, Tony tells Jill right away that nothing will come out of their date because he’s still in love with his wife. She, in turn, insults him for not being man enough to commit suicide just as her husband did. They ended up not ordering food because they just didn’t click.
Tony and Jill were standing outside the restaurant when two men on a motorcycle try to mug a girl and hit her with a hammer. The girl held on to her bag so they were unsuccessful, and as they passed by Tony, he manages to take their hammer. He keeps it.
Julian comes with drugs to Tony’s house again. He shares how he blames himself for the death of her girlfriend and how much he’s in pain. Tony tells him again that he can’t believe how much they have in common. Julian tells him they’re not the same because Tony hasn’t given up yet. He tells Tony that if he just had the money, he would buy so much drug and kill himself with an overdose so he can happily die.
Tony gives him cash and tells him not to waste it on food.
Julian buys the drugs and injects himself to death in the garage he calls home.
Our Thoughts
Oh, Julian committing suicide is something we were not prepared for. It’s so heavy, watching him ending it all. It’s a shame he didn’t get help when he could have, help is always available and suicide does not solve things. Moving on, it’s no surprise that Tony’s date didn’t go well, but at least he tried. It’s a baby step towards opening up again, we think. Seeing him talk to Sandy about her career, welcoming Daphne’s friendship, and apologizing to Emma also tells us that he might just be getting out of the dark place he’s in right now soon.
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