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Home 6 Things to Know About ONCE UPON A TIME’S Season 5 Premiere

6 Things to Know About ONCE UPON A TIME’S Season 5 Premiere

BY Jennifer Griffin

Published 9 years ago

6 Things to Know About ONCE UPON A TIME'S Season 5 Premiere

When we last saw Emma Swan, she had just committed the largest act of sacrifice Once Upon a Time fans have probably seen on the show to date.

Saving Regina (along with Hook and her parents) from dark forces that threatened to overwhelm them, Emma chose to become the next Dark One in order to protect those she loved.

But what happens next? Where has Emma gone? How will Hook and Regina locate her? What lengths will the Charmings go to save their daughter's soul, and why do all the promo pictures for the premiere feature Rumpel in what appears to be a mentor role?

We've seen the premiere episode a little earlier than most, thanks to our friends at ABC, and have prepped 6 teasers to help you get ready for what's coming up on the big premiere on Sept. 27.

As usual, we're avoiding larger spoilers and plot reveals and other major surprises that would otherwise ruin your enjoyment of the episode. However, it's important to take caution below anyway, as one man's teaser is another man's spoiler ...

Here then are 5 things to know about Once Upon a Time's fifth season premiere.

Why Camelot?

We know that Merlin is the link between Storybrooke and King Arthur, but we were intrigued to see the writers working in a second connection between both fantasy worlds that really helps solidify certain key story elements going forward.

We really don’t want to spoil this one for you, so suffice it to say a really big clue has been sitting under our noses for quite some time now. You’ll get the point of it soon enough.

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