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Home Articles TV ’24’ Spinoff Remains In Talks As Fox Opens The Table For New Ideas

’24’ Spinoff Remains In Talks As Fox Opens The Table For New Ideas

BY Stephanie Larson

Published 6 years ago

'24' Spinoff Remains In Talks As Fox Opens The Table For New Ideas

As far as the anticipation has come, fans of Fox’ 24 series would have to wait a little bit longer to see an incarnation of the hit series. According to Deadline, Fox has decided to put a pin on the 24 Spinoff until they get everything right for the franchise.

Before that, however, Fox was in talks of developing two new 24 Spinoff series. One of them was a prequel that follows the origin story of CTU agent Jack Bauer written by 24 co-creators Bob Cochran and Joel Surnow together with 24 executive showrunner Howard Gordon. And the other was a real-time legal thriller written by Gordon and The Killing producer Jeremy Donger. For a moment, it seemed that the second idea would push through with it passing the initial stages and going into further development. Unfortunately, neither ideas made it to a pilot order.

Right now, producers are back to the drawing board. And according to Deadline, Fox has shown interest in shaking up new ideas for the prequel idea.

With Legacy Comes Great Responsibility

During the Television Critics Association executive session on February, Fox Entertainment CEO Charlie Collier acknowledged that it was both a blessing and a responsibility to bring the 24 legacy back.

According to Fox Entertainment President Michael Thorn’s statement, they’re wide open to any ideas that would explore any other particular aspects of the series for the 24 Spinoff. There is nothing set in stone yet. However, discussions with the producers and 20th Century Fox are still determined to bring a fresh take that would honor the series.

“The power of these franchises is not to be toyed with, and 24 was an iconic moment in television, and when and if we bring it back, it will be because the creators and writers feel like they have the right story to tell, they can honor the franchise and the studio and the network feel the same way,” Collier said in an interview with Deadline.

Similarly, Thorn thinks it’s worth working on the 24 Spinoff until they’ve got the right script in their hands. “However we build the franchise, it has got to feel big, eventized and all the creators and producers involved have to feel really excited about that direction and that we all feel we’ve got the right script,” he said.

24 started in 2001 and ran through eight seasons until 2010 starring Kiefer Sutherland. Then, it was followed by the limited series 24: Live Another Day with Sutherland reprising his role as Bauer. The last attempt to reboot the show was with 24: Legacy in 2016 featuring a whole new cast which only lasted for one season.

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