CASTLE: 7 Things to Know About “Once Upon a Time in the West”
BY Jennifer Griffin
Published 10 years ago

Castle fans for in for a treat with the beautifully detail-rich and Old West-themed “Once Upon a Time in the West” this Monday.
This latest installment sees our newly weds – without any remaining vacation days and with no hope of a Honeymoon – thrown into a new murder case involving a young woman who appears to have been poisoned while vacationing at a Dude Ranch.
Who killed her and why? The path to answers is a convoluted one which takes several pitstops along the way as it pays homage to, and in some cases, pokes gentle fun at several classic Westerns.
Thanks to our friends at ABC, we’ve seen the episode a little earlier than most. If you’re a regular reader of our ScreenSpy articles then you’ll know we don’t go for revealing spoilers that would otherwise ruin your enjoyment of the episode (we want you to enjoy it as much as we did) but we can provide you with a number of teasers to get you in the mood for some cow-punching, hog-tying, gun-slinging fun this Monday.
Without further ado, here are 7 things (one for each season of Castle) to know about Nov. 17th’s “Once Upon a Time in the West.”
1. If Music Be the Food of Love
Reactions to Rick and Kate’s impromptu wedding are mixed. Someone is ok with not being present for the exchange of vows while others are very unhappy about not being there. Can you guess who’s happy to take it on the chin, and who is disappointed not to have been able to perform a song, especially penned for the event?
2. What’s in a Name?
Is it Mrs Castle or is it Mr Beckett? Our favourite sleuthing TV couple can’t seem to decide. Nor can they decide if their stay at Diamond Back Ranch is truly a honeymoon or just another case. Despite their bickering, there are some very romantic moments to be had – one of which is sadly (and hilariously) interrupted by a rattle snake.
And speaking of names, you won’t want to miss the two names Rick bestows on a pair of hardworking horses. (Hint: They will be instantly familiar!)
3. Everyone Loves a Makeover!
To the title credits that is. Watch for a new Wild West themed Castle title sequence. We loved it.
4. Those Skillz
Castle’s writing skills come into their own in this episode as, while undercover, Beckett is unable to use her badge to get at the information she needs – although Castle’s suggestion that they “approach this like writers” is met with a “so we procrastinate and make stuff up?” from Kate.
5. Wild West Showdown
Yes, in keeping with the theme, the episode will feature a (for real) ‘go for your gun!’ showdown. We’re not saying who gets shot, or by whom, but this tense moment has a surprising conclusion.
6. A Hidden Skill
Rick shows off a hidden skill during a romantic moment that Beckett admits is “Kinda magical.” We thought so too.
7. This is NOT a Honeymoon!
Who knew Rick was so passionate about the Old West? His enthusiasm provides Nathan Fillion with some great comedy moments in this episode from bungling a dramatic entrance into a saloon to attempting to down a shot glass of “gut rot” in a manly fashion to reassuring Kate that the steaming pile she just accidentally stepped into is a “sign of good fortune.” Fillion wins the comedy hour with this episode.
Castle’s “Once Upon a Time in the West” episode airs Monday November 17 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
And if you can’t wait until Monday, you can catch a sneak peek clip from the episode below.
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